Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Asperger's Syndrome in the news

So the New York Times reports that the show "America's Next Top Model" is opening the public (and a house full of models') view on what it's like to live with Asperger's Syndrome. But I say to the New York Times, why do you hate "Boston Legal" so much? They've had a character (and now two if you count Jerry's new girlfriend) on the show with Asperger's forever. He is very over-exaggerated, sure, but that's the first TV character I've seen with the syndrome on television. But, more seriously, it is cool that "America's Next Top Model" is trying to bring some depth and reality to an industry notorious for being shallow and generally unaccepting to anything different. Thanks Tyra.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Yeah about what we said earlier...

Iran hasn't been building and stashing nuclear weapons since 2003, according to a story in today's New York Times. But Bush and Israel say they still believe Iran to be a threat.
How can that be? If they don't have nuclear weapons, they pose no military threat to the United States as a country. There may be Islamic extremists living in Iran that could potentially pose a threat someday down the road, but the report just goes to show how the rhetoric used by the Bush Administration when talking about the threat Iran posed was bogus.
He is a lame duck and his reaction after the report came out was to dismiss it. It's another example of how the media has been suckered into what the Bush Administration tells them to create fear and anxiety — two emotions that make the United States putty in an idiot's hand.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Hope floats

Brad Pitt helps impoverished New Orleans residents by designing floatable houses.

The project, called Make It Right, calls for building 150 affordable, environmentally sound houses over the next two years. In a telephone interview from New Orleans, where he plans to present the designs today, Mr. Pitt said the residents of the neighborhood had been homeless long enough. “They’re coming up on their third Christmas,” he said.

It sounds like an interesting concept that could also be used in other places on water, such as Florida. Especially if global climate change really will increase the amount or intensity of hurricanes in the future. Floatable houses! Who knew?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Montel Williams is crazy.

Here's the proof: Montel Williams blows up at reporters.
And here I always thought it would be Rikki Lake who would snap under the pressures of extreme fame. It just goes to show you what a celebrity-obsessed culture we live in that this is the top story on CNN. But Montel does have nice and shiny head, at least.