Sunday, November 11, 2007

Chicken Noodle News

The most read story on CNN right now is the death of Kanye West's mother. I feel bad for the rapper, who has produced some of the best hip hop in years. But on this veterans' day, I'd rather talk a bit about the Iraq war.

Today the Iraqi prime minister assured the rest of the world and his own country that suicide bombings are down 77 percent in Baghdad since last year, allowing many families (7,000) to return to the war-torn city. The New York Times story also said that nearly 3/4 of a million Iraqis have fled the city since the war started, putting that 7,000 in perspective. It is nice to hear that things are going well there since we will begin pulling out troops soon. I hope this is the beginning of the end of a terrible war, and I'm thinking of the veterans of the war and troops still over there.

And this is another gem of a story on CNN's home page today: Bush senior skydiving to celebrate the opening of his museum at A&M. Awesome....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.