Thursday, November 29, 2007

This better not affect 'Lost'

Producers Guild of America,
You suck.

If you've been living under a rock, read this and this, and watch Sarah Silverman say (maybe not ever so eloquently) what we're all thinking.

The writers want about 2 percent of the royalties from when their work is downloaded to iTunes or streamed online. 2 percent!! What's the hold up? This should be in the bag. The producers should cave to the writers, who are the creative vision (or at least part) of these shows and movies. Many shows have begun showing reruns and it's really pissing me off.
Here are the shows I miss the most:
The Office
30 Rock
The Colbert Report
The Daily Show
Lost and Battlestar Galactica (which premiere in January, but there are rumors they might too be on strike!!)
Boston Legal
And some others I can't think of right now. Plus there are tons of potentially good and definitely bad movies that aren't being made too!
The Producers' Guild is responsible for the upcoming recession. Mark my words.
If these writers and subsequently shows don't come back soon, I might have to spray paint a sign, fly to LA and find the picket lines where I'll start shouting "No, no, we won't go." I'm warning you.

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